loft a space at the top of a building under the roof used for storing things and usually entered by a ladder, or sometimes made into a room for living in
The firm specializes in loft conversions(= making lofts into rooms).
LOFTER - The Group has been actively exploring a variety of opportunities for developing urban renewal projects across core districts of Hong Kong, with key focus on Grade A Commercial and Luxury Residential Projects.
The Group vows to accommodate the needs of a diverse market and dynamic social policies, while maintaining a good balance between profitability, responsibility and sustainability.
Individually and collectively, our team strives to deliver the finest and most exquisite properties with the team's uncompromising passion for the highest quality in every detail.
地產商 公用事業 交通運輸 電訊 零售
長江實業集團 港燈 - 和記電訊 百佳、屈臣氏、豐澤
新鴻基地產 - 載通國際(九巴、龍運巴士) 數碼通 一田百貨
新世界發展 - 新巴、城巴、新渡輪(已出售) 新世界電訊(已出售) -
恒基兆業地產 香港煤氣 - - 千色Citistore
會德豐 - 天星小輪、香港電車(已出售) 有線寬頻 -